Another 15 % Discount for Subscribers
There's a special bonus for all of DSO's subscribers. Those with fixed A to D series or a ›Create your own‹ subscriptions can get any other individual series concerts, as well as our extra concerts, at a specially reduced price.
The discount is approximately 15% of the normal box office price for the relevant seating, and applies also to tickets you buy for your guests and friends.
AboPlus discounted tickets are available only until three working days before a concert at DSO's Besucherservice and may not be purchased at the box office on the evening of the concert, or online. If, as a subscriber, you have a direct debit agreement with us, all you need to do is telephone us in good time, and your tickets will arrive, postage free, on your doorstep.
AboPlus tickets may not be returned or exchanged.
Please direct any further questions to