19.15 Uhr Einführung

›Create Your Own‹, B – ›Time Travel‹

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Friday, 06.09.2024 | 8.03 pm (live)

Deutschlandfunk Kultur


Tania León
›Ácana‹ for Chamber Orchestra

Gustav Mahler
›Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen‹ for Voice and Orchestra

Charles Ives
›Three places in New England‹

Aaron Copland
Suite ›Appalachian Spring‹


Kazuki Yamada Conductor

  • Julian Prégardien Tenor

Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin

The DSO concert at Musikfest Berlin was supposed to be conducted by Sir Andrew Davis, who to our great regret passed away on April 20. We are pleased to announce that Kazuki Yamada will be conducting. The last item on the programme has changed: Instead of the Bach arrangement by Andrew Davis, Aaron Copland’s suite ›Appalachian Spring‹ will be played.

About the concert

Many people consider Julian Prégardien a Frenchman, but in fact he comes from a clan of tenors from Frankfurt. He first sang to praise the Lord as a choirboy; as a teenager, he was crazy about the rock band Nirvana. But he ultimately could not escape the family genes: a Berliner by choice, he has become a modern singer with a melts-in-your-mouth tenor voice. At the Musikfest Berlin he will transform into Mahler’s wayfarer in love, yearning for the »blue eyes of my beloved«, as it says in one of the songs.

Cover des Programmheftes
Programme brochure

for the concert

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Friday, 06.09.2024 | 8.03 pm (live)

Deutschlandfunk Kultur


Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin

Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin



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