19.15 Uhr Einführung

›Create Your Own‹, C – ›Discovery‹ series

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Thursday, 20.02.2025 | 8 pm

Deutschlandfunk Kultur


Anna Thorvaldsdottir

Jean Sibelius
Two Serenades for Orchestra

Thomas Adès
›Märchentänze‹ for Violin and Orchestra

Jón Leifs
›Geysir‹ – Prelude for Orchestra

Igor Stravinsky
›Le sacre du printemps‹

Concert as part of the Berlin Philharmonic Biennale under the motto: ›Paradise lost? On the threat to nature‹


Nicholas Collon Conductor

  • Pekka Kuusisto Violin

Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin

About the concert

»The work of a crazy man.« »A thing made by idiots.« Wild comments for Stravinsky after his ‘Rite of Spring’ premiered in Paris in 1913. People jeered and hissed in the stalls; nothing more could be heard of the music. Respectable listeners clobbered each other. The police reported that 27 people were injured at the »massacre« (Debussy) and Jean Cocteau, who was in attendance, noted that »a countess’s diadem was askew«. What was once a shocker transformed into a classic of modernism. What better recommendation could there be?

Cover des Programmheftes
Programme brochure

for the concert

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Thursday, 20.02.2025 | 8 pm

Deutschlandfunk Kultur


Nicholas Collon

Nicholas Collon


Pekka Kuusisto

Pekka Kuusisto


Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin

Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin



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